St. James Catholic Elementary School

OAPCE Monthly Newsletter

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our Sudbury Catholic parents, the SCDSB would like to provide a link to the latest newsletter from The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE). To read this month’s newsletter, click here: Parent Partner Newsletter – Easter 2015

Coins for Kylee: $685.00 raised for local cancer patient

St. James Bears are proud to announce that their Coins for Kylee fundraiser was a huge success. St. James collected a very generous $685.00 for the Jewers family. Staff and students at St. James School were asked to bring in coins in exchange for a pajama day in support of Kylee Jewers who is currently undergoing intensive chemotherapy treatment for an aggressive form of cancer. The Jewers family has been travelling back and forth from Sudbury to Toronto for the past 2 months for Kylee’s treatment. All staff and students at St. James wish to extend their prayers and warm wishes to Kylee and her family.

Making a Difference at St. James School

Thank you to Sergeant Hotson from the Greater Sudbury Police Service who came to St. James School to remind us that our actions can make a difference. The book that Sgt. Hotson read to students during National Anti-Bullying Week addressed the theme of bullying and strategies that all of us can use. Stand Up to Bullies, Be a Friend, and You are not Alone were reinforced to students as part of the discussion regarding the book and making connections to our own lives.

Fun with math!

With the recent delivery of several workshops highlighting new and fun approaches to practicing math facts and developing mental math skills, students at St James school are reaping the benefits. At the beginning of every math period, students are encouraged to use playing cards or dice to practice addition and multiplication skills independently and to test each other in fun math challenges. Primary and junior students are also learning the benefits of strategies such as decomposing or friendly numbers to add difficult numbers without the use of paper, pencils or calculators. Student engagement is obvious and real learning is happening!

Learning Through Play at St. James FDK!

At St. James Catholic Elementary School Full Day Kindergarten students are encouraged to explore and develop new knowledge/skills during self-directed learning centres. In building centres that are equipped by the FDK team (teachers Mme. Belanger and Miss Hoeg), students use Lego to strengthen math, visual arts and fine motor concepts/skills. The beauty of the program is that students are learning through play!

Exploring Art Exciting for St. James Students

Junior and senior students from St. James school enjoyed a field trip to the Sudbury Art Gallery on Monday, October 6. Students explored the use of lines and elements of design such as shading to create original works of art with water paints. Students learned four paint techniques using various brushes during their workshop and applied those skills in this authentic learning experience!

St. James 5/6 Softball Team Captures Gold!!

On Friday June 6th, 2014 the grade 5/6 St. James Catholic Elementary School softball team participated in the Greater Sudbury Police Service annual slo-pitch tournament. The tournament serves to honour the memory of Sgt. Rick McDonald, who loved baseball and working with youth in our community. Sgt. McDonald was killed in the line of duty on July 28, 1999. The annual GSPS 5/6 Slo-Pitch tournament allows young students from across the Sudbury region to interact with police officers and have a great day playing ball.

The St. James team won their first two games to capture a spot in the championship final. The team was down a few runs early on but battled back with teamwork and lots of cheering from their fans to capture the championship! Way to go Bears!

Celebrating Roots of Empathy at St. James

The Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) class at St. James Catholic Elementary School has enjoyed the “Roots of Empathy” program this past year, but has especially enjoyed the visits by Baby Kinsley. Kinsley was only 4 months old on her first visit and by her last visit she had turned 11 months! FDK students, staff and Baby Kinsley have loved watching and being part of her milestones throughout her first year. Last week, there was a classroom celebration to wish Baby Kinsley farewell for the year.

Author Chad Solomon visits St. John/ St. James School

Graphic novelist and creator of Rabbit and Bear Paws, Chad Solomon visited both St. John and St. James Catholic Elementary Schools. The Rabbit and Bear Paws series involves heroes that share humourous adentures based on tradition Aboriginal teachings. The students at both schools had an opportunity to learn some traditional Aboriginal teachings, as well as, the creativity and innovation that is involved with designing graphic novels.

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