St. James Catholic Elementary School

Opt in For Busing!

Bus graphic

Be sure to contact the Sudbury Student Services Consortium to opt in for busing for the 2020-2021 school year.

Contact them today at: 705.521.1234

Will you be one of June’s Contest Winners?

This month we are encouraging students to participate in the Daily Trivia Challenge from June 8th – June 19th,2020.

There are two category groups:
Elementary (Kindergarten to Grade 6)-Home Scavenger Hunt: Entry Form
Secondary (Grade 7 – Grade 12)- Skilled Trades Trivia Game : Entry Form

Each day, a trivia question or clue will be shared via social media encouraging students to record the answer or take the appropriate photo. There will be 10 days in total. Students will then submit all 10 correct answers on the appropriate Google Form on June 19th for a chance to win a prize.

Winners will be announced on social media on Monday June 22nd!

Check out some of the Earth day contest winners!

Get Ready for Grade 9 with the Head Start Summer Learning Camp!


The Sudbury Catholic District School Board is happy to announce the Head Start Summer Learning Camp for Grade 8 Students. This program will provide grade 8 students with an opportunity to sharpen some of their literacy, numeracy and wellbeing skills while at the same time earn their first grade 9 credit! Students who complete this program will be granted a HIF1O credit. This course will teach students about intrapersonal, decision-making and practical skills that will give them a head-start for secondary school next year.

The course starts on Monday, June 29th and will run until Friday, July 24th. The registration below will remain open until Wednesday, June 17th. Space for this course is limited and students will be contacted during the week of June 22nd to confirm their enrollment in this course. Students must be willing to participate in a mix of live learning sessions as well as independent work. Students are required to commit to 4-6 hours of work daily Monday-Friday, excluding July 1st.

To register, click here.

We’re proud to announce the launch of the 2020 Summer Camp Online Program!

Summer Camp Graphic

Are you excited for summer? We are! We are happy to announce the SCDSB 2020 Summer Camp expanded online program. Please click the link and fill in a survey for each of your children you would like to take part in the opportunity. You will need to commit to be part of the program for 3 weeks: two hours a day. July 6-24th, 9am to 11am.

Our expanded online learning includes K-8 online classes, K-8 ELL classes (for our newcomers) and Indigenous Learning.

Sign up quickly to secure your spot as spaces are limited: SIGN UP HERE!

Sign up by June 12th as we will start notifying people they are part of our awesome summer program! (be sure to leave your email so we can connect with you!)

Calling all and educators: We are very pleased to invite you to our Virtual Parent Engagement Series!


Every week throughout the month of May, join virtual learning/information sessions as we create an online community of support for parents and educators. Sessions include Internet Safety, Supporting Students Through the COVID-19 Pandemic, Google Classroom: The Parent Connection, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Learning About the Dangers of Human Trafficking, French as a Second Language Supports, Reading supports through Lexia, and Reading and Writing!

Sessions will take place each week in May from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. virtually on Zoom. Don’t miss out! Register now at the following LINK.

We look forward to seeing you all there!

SCDSB Learn@Home Site for Parents and Students

Please view the following link which contains resources designed to help support and to compliment what teachers have planned as we move to a distance learning approach.

SCDSB Learn@Home Site

Resources for Learning at Home


In response to the CONVID-19 virus, Dr. David Williams, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health advised all 72 Ontario School Boards to close their schools from March 14 – April 5, 2020 to ensure the safety and well-being of students and staff. While our schools are closed, we are committed to keep you informed.

Learn at Home Portal

The Ministry of Education has launched a new online platform to
help students continue learning while schools are closed. While these materials
do not replace what students have been learning at school, during this unusual
time, these at-home activities offer quick and easy access to resources for students
from Kindergarten to Grade 12.

resources are designed to help young students learn at home with interactive
activities that encourage participation through entertaining and stimulating
digital content. High school content was designed with a focus on STEM courses
and ensure core competencies and skills are reinforced.

Learn at Home Portal

Supporting Student Mental Health

We know this is an uncertain time for our province and our country. Students may experience a range of emotions during the COVID-19 situation. Please see the following resource from School Mental Health Ontario designed to provide mental health support and tools for students:

School Mental Health Ontario

Other Resources

Ministry of Education Letter to Parents

Sudbury Public Health

Government of Canada

On behalf of the Sudbury Catholic District School Board, we thank you for your partnership and cooperation as we do our part to practice social distancing and flatten the curve. We will continue to keep you updated on our website and on our social media pages.

Save the date for this year’s PIC Carousel!

A women talks to a classroom full of parents.

Parent Involvement Committee proudly presents their annual Carousel Event for parents, educators and community partners!

  • When: April 7, 2020 from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
  • Where: St. Benedict School, 2993 Algonquin Road

Sessions will include: Vaping, Bullying, Cybercrime, Human Trafficking, Social Media, Secondary Programs and Pathways, Supporting Students at Home, Coding, and Helping Support Children and Youth who Experience Anxiety.

Save the date and stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Travel the World While Earning Credit!

Girl overlooks New York City

Travel the world, while earning a course credit! We are excited to offer secondary students an affordable, experiential learning program that enables students in Grade 8-10 to earn a credit while travelling to Ottawa, Montreal, New York City, and Toronto while earning Civics/Careers credits (Course Codes (CHV/GLC). Space is limited to 35 students and is available to students in regular and French immersion programming. Register now at the following link.

For more information contact Christina Raso, Experiential Learning Consultant at

Sudbury Catholic Schools Help Make Winters a Little Warmer!

Members of student senate stand with their coats.

The Student Senate at the Sudbury Catholic District School Board has helped make winter a little warmer for our community! Throughout the month of October, the Student Senate spearheaded a campaign to collect gently used winter coats in all sizes. The Senate, which is comprised of 15 secondary students, also encouraged other schools to participate in this initiative.

Together, Sudbury Catholic Schools collected 436 coats and winter accessories, surpassing last year’s number of 200 coats and winter accessories. Working with Derek Cashmore of Cooper Equipment Rentals, the coats will be donated to those in need throughout the Greater Sudbury community.

“The Student Senate are seen as leaders and innovators not only in their schools but across the Sudbury Catholic District School Board,” said Amanda Barry, Teacher Facilitator of the Student Senate. “They are truly difference makers and I am honoured to work alongside them year after year.”

“It was amazing to see our schools all come together and support such a wonderful cause,” said Ryan Scarpellini, Student Trustee and member of the Student Senate. “We are excited to continue to grow the campaign year after year and continue to make a difference in our community.”

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