St. James Catholic Elementary School

St. James Students Demonstrate the True Meaning of Christmas

The Fantastic Fours and Terrific 4/5’s at St. James Catholic Elementary School got into the Christmas spirit early by packing gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Families went out and purchased items such as: hygiene products, clothing, toys, and school supplies. When all was said and done, the two classes filled 47 boxes. Inside each box was a letter of hope to the child that will be receiving the gifts. The St. James staff is very thankful for the generosity and support of the students and their families. Together they showed the true meaning of Christmas – how it is better to give than to receive!

St. James – Bears Who Care!

Dressed in their best jammies, brothers Jackson and Carter Drigo proudly show off their coin donation in a specially decorated can. St. James held a PJ Day and coin drive on Friday, October 5th. Students brought in loose change in support of a local family whose young son has been diagnosed with cancer. Heading into the Thanksgiving weekend, students were reminded that even though the young boy attends a different school, we are all part of a larger community and we are thankful for the chance to show our support . The single day event raised more than $1700 for the family of 5 yr-old Carson Widdifield.

St. James Safe School Council Awarded “Speak Up Grant”

St. James Safe School student council, named C3 – Catholic, Community and Culture– was awarded a Government of Ontario “Speak Up Grant” for their inclusive education campaign. The C3 council gives students a voice in making St. James a place where everyone feels welcome and therefore students are provided with ample opportunities to participate in school decisions that will shape their lives and the lives of their peers. In organizing activities the C3 aims to create a caring and safe school environment and messaging the importance of inclusion and respect for everyone at St. James School.
Some of the C3 endeavours include: designing and playing a school-wide inclusive education P.A bingo, the creation of an exclusive St. James Safe School button and several community outreach projects.

Cupid Arrives Early at St. James School

Cupid arrived early at St. James Catholic School with a message for all students. Every student and staff member received in a Valentine Candy Gram along with a reminder from Cupid. The message read, “On Valentine’s Day we remember to let those we care about know that we love them. Tell your parents, brothers, sisters and other family members how much you love them. Be kind to your friends and remember to smile. Happy Valentine’s Day”.

St. James Community Generously Supports the Sudbury Infant Food Bank

The St. James C3 (Catholic, Community and Culture) Student Council decided there was no better way to celebrate the Christmas season than by helping other children in need. Upon hearing that the Sudbury Infant Food Bank is running a Christmas campaign to help raise funds and supplies for Greater Sudbury’s most vulnerable; babies and young children, the students planned a theme day in support of this campaign. The generosity of the families of St. James School is evident in the carloads of donations of diapers, baby wipes, baby food jars, baby cereal, gift certificates and money donations.

St. James Recycles for Haiti

Along with all of the money raising efforts going on at our Sudbury Catholic Schools, Grade 5 Eco-Squad leaders at St. James Catholic School in Lively are collecting milk bags which are used to make sleeping mats. The bags are then crocheted by a neighbour Cindy Kavanaugh into comfortable, waterproof mats which will be forwarded to Haiti. The mats can be used for eating or sleeping and also due to their bright colours these mats do not attract bugs. It takes 250 milk bags to make one large mat and 150 bags to make a smaller mat. To date the students have collected over one thousand milk bags. The St. James students will continue their campaign until the end of March.

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