St. James Catholic Elementary School

St. James School Collaborates on a Mural with Artist Jessica Somers

St. James students have a unique opportunity to work with Jessica Somers, a visual artist with Focal Point Artistry, and collaborate on a mural. The opportunity is made possible by a grant provided by Ontario Arts Council – Michelle Thiessen completed the proposal with the project in mind. Students will be able to feel inspired, creative and innovative as they work alongside Jessica to create a hand-made mural representative of the Indigenous teachings and land.

To kick off this partnership, the school welcomed Elders Nokomis Julie and Mishomis Frank who guided students about the importance of Indigenous teachings and how the land in which we live on contributes to these teachings. Students spoke about things such as bears, trees, water and fish. Jessica then allowed students to take their first steps and encouraged them to draw what they were inspired by. Students eagerly leaped into action, using pencils, markers and colouring crayons to convey their thoughts, emotions and inspirations.

“I like to draw because it is very calming and you can use your imagination to create whatever you want,” said Michael, Grade 3 student.

“It was very cool to hear from Nokomis Julie and Mishomis Frank about the land and the different things that make up Indigenous teachings. I like that we are working with a real artist too, it makes us feel special!” said Mia, Grade 2 student.

Classes will work with Jessica and collaborate on the mural throughout the month of February. Stay tuned to see this work of art come to life!

2021-22 Director’s Annual Report

We are very pleased to present the Director of Education’s Annual Report for the 2021-2022 school year

We thank our Board of Trustees, Senior Administration, staff, students, families, volunteers, community partners, and our parishes for their continued support and commitment to Sudbury Catholic. Together we are providing a caring, progressive, high quality Catholic school system that is nurturing our students – mind, body, and spirit.

Sudbury Catholic School Board Organizes Professional Administration Day Devoted to STEAM

Sudbury Catholic Schools was proud to host a professional administration day for education staff devoted to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) on October 24, 2022. The Board partnered with several local organizations to create engaging and innovative learning sessions.

Sessions included:

  • Cambrian College STEM tour: Educators had the opportunity to learn more about various STEM-based programming at Cambrian College, and how they can support showcasing STEM in the community. This day included a walking tour of the trades/ technology departments on campus, examples of hands-on learning activities and a workshop with Larissa Hoffman, VP of Edge Factor, who will provide an overview of their updated online platform and how Edge Factor can promote STEM careers to students.
  • Game Design Program at Cambrian College: Educators explored Game Design at Cambrian College with Professor, Program Director, and CBC Radio Tech Talk Host Aaron Langille. Participants got a glimpse of designing and developing commercial-quality game applications for a broad range of industries such as entertainment, health, education, construction, marketing, and mining. 
  • Science North: Participants completed several activities including: SHSM workshops, turtle crossing Demo, Planetarium show and a bit coding workshop. 
  • Connections Between Land and Art: Jessica Somers, an Indigenous Artist, guided participants through a land-based teaching about the Birch Tree and medicines. Participants were also guided through a painting workshop as they learned about the power of the spirit bear. 
  • Outdoor learning at St. David School: Participants learned on the land as they were guided through an outdoor professional development session. Educators spent the day learning outside, connecting with nature, and exploring the various benefits that land based teaching can offer. 
  • STEM Activities with Logics Academy: Educators had the opportunity to learn about robotics and Dash and how to integrate it into their classrooms! 
  • Skills Ontario- Walking Robots Challenge: Katie Cameron, program facilitator for Skills Ontario introduced teachers to Skills Ontario and their variety of programs and services. In addition, teachers learned about the Junk Drawer Races competition. This program promotes sustainability of re-using common items found at home or in a classroom. 
  • Let’s Talk Science : Teachers heard valuable information from Lindsay Shaw. Lindsay is the Program Development Manager for the Professional Learning team at Let’s Talk Science. In her role, she manages the development of the Learning Pathways program. She introduced teachers to Live STEM broadcasts, learning pathways and live events.
  • STEM Storytime: Primary teachers met Ryan Kahue. Ryan is a Program Support Coordinator for the Youth and Volunteer Experience team at Let’s Talk Science. His program of focus is STEM Storytime. STEM Storytime is a weekly series offered on Tuesdays at 1pm! Each week a Let’s Talk Science Outreach student along with Ryan will read a storybook followed by a hands-on activity.
  • STEM Club: Junior teachers met Nick Butt.  Nick Butt is an Outreach Coordinator with Let’s Talk Science. He is manager, developer, and host of STEM Club. Each week, Let’s Talk Science, features a different hands-on activity using minimal, easy-to-find materials. Students will also have the chance to learn from and ask questions to inspire STEM role models.

We would like to thank all partners who helped create hands-on sessions and provided our educational staff with learning opportunities that can be recreated in our classrooms! 

Students of St. Benedict and St. James experiment with art and science!

Before launching into secondary school next year, students at St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School and St. James had a chance to explore both art and science labs at the high school this week.

In Science, Mr. O’Donnell taught the students how to conduct themselves in a lab while dissecting a frog.The students learned safety and anatomy at the same time while the students created canvassed art with Mr. Timpano in the art room.

Students Mackenzie Richard and Brenna Vienneau weren’t shy about the dissection lab with Brenna taking the first cut. She says she is not afraid because she has cleaned deer and partridge in the past with family.

Vienneau wants to pursue sciences because she wants to become an electrician in the future.  

Students from the two schools conducted their rotations over a two day period to better prepare them for life in the high school setting.

Sudbury Catholic Students Awarded as 2018 Stars of Excellence!

On Monday, April 23 the Final Concert of the Kiwanis Music Festival recognized the outstanding festival performances of many of our students!

Many students won individual awards for their vocal and instrumental performances! The Sudbury Catholic Schools Band was awarded Top Elementary School Concert Band, while the Marymount Academy Brass Quartet was awarded for for Secondary School Brass Ensemble!

We wish to congratulate all the participants in this year’s Kiwanis festival on a job well done! View all the participants in this year’s festival at the following link

Sudbury Catholic Schools Elementary Instrumental Band receives Gold at Kiwanis Music Festival!

On March 27th, the band performed at the Kiwanis Music Festival and received a Gold standard! The band has grown over the years, and includes 5 schools (St. Benedict, St. Charles College, St. Anne, St. John and St. James) and over 100 band members!

The band also competed at the Northern Ontario Music Festival on March 1 where they received a Silver standard. Congratulations to all band members!

Sudbury Catholic Elementary Band takes silver, gold at the Northern Ontario Music Festival

It’s Festival season, and the Sudbury Catholic Elementary Band did not disappoint! This band is made up of 125 students from 6 schools – St. Charles College, St. Benedict, St. Anne, St. Charles Chelmsford, St. John and St. James – and is directed by Leanne Urso, JoAnne Comisso, Sabrina Clark and Eric Miron.

The students competed at the Northern Ontario Music Festival on Tuesday, March 21st at Sudbury Secondary School and came away with a Silver award. Then, on Tuesday, April 4th, the band competed at the Kiwanis Music Festival at St. Benedict School and improved on their score by winning a Gold award! Congratulations goes out to all the band members for all their hard work.

Exploring Art Exciting for St. James Students

Junior and senior students from St. James school enjoyed a field trip to the Sudbury Art Gallery on Monday, October 6. Students explored the use of lines and elements of design such as shading to create original works of art with water paints. Students learned four paint techniques using various brushes during their workshop and applied those skills in this authentic learning experience!

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