St. James Catholic Elementary School

Students receive special visit from local miner and book author!

Theresa Nyabeze a Professional Mining Engineer visited St. James Catholic Elementary School to share her book “Underground! My Mining Adventure” with students. A graduate of Laurentian University, Theresa is passionate about STEM careers (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and encourages all young people to enter and learn more about the mining industry.

Her book outlines the adventures of Maiya and her mom who takes Maiya underground for the day as a birthday present! The book describes the ins and outs of the mine and the industry! It’s available at

Theresa wrote the book to showcase diversity in mining and STEM and inspire others to study this interesting field!

“It’s ok to take the path less travelled if you have an interest! Seek opportunities to learn about different career paths. Seek- mentor – ship – then reach back and keep the cycle going! “

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