St. James Catholic Elementary School

Sizzling Science at SCDSB Science Fair

The Sudbury Catholic District School Board would like to congratulate the following students and schools on their excellent achievements at recent Board-Wide Science Fair on March 26. After the judges had completed their task, thirteen projects were selected to advance to the Regional Science Fair to be held at Laurentian University on April 12th, 2014.

Best of luck to all students in the upcoming Regional Science Fair.

Sudbury Catholic Schools, Science Fair Winners

Marymount Academy
Brittany Thorton – Viscosity: Can it Save You?
Julie Burns – Screen Time and Depression
Sophia Zulich – Electronic Lemons
Mackenzie Bruce – Cotton Cruelty
Emelia Kucyk – Video Game for the Blind
Dana Rachkowski and Hailey McDonald – Aquaponics
Alessandra Kempson – the Effects of WiFi

St. Raphael
Billy Moskal – Does Colour Affect Plant Life?
Emma Dionne – Does Music Affect Your Ability to Memorize?
Colton Gobbo – Hoe Do Video Games Affect Your Health?

St. Ben’s
Laura Rinaldi – Magnetic Spring
Enoch Kim and Max Rizzard – Gauging Gauss and Fluctuating Ferrofluid

St. James
Marina Leblanc – Les pieds froids

St. James Community, Care and Culture Club Supports Fellow Student

The students at St. James Catholic Elementary School demonstrated the Catholic virtue of compassion recently. Logan Lariviere, a low vision student, travelled to Ottawa to be fitted for his new technological glasses. The “Community, Care and Culture” club choose to sell candy grams for Valentine’s Day and have a coin collection to help Logan and his parents purchase his much needed and expensive glasses. The whole school gave generously and, during our Olympic spirit day, Logan was presented with a cheque by teacher Tammy Lanci.

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