St. James Catholic Elementary School

St. James Catholic School “Care Bears” Make a Difference

Walk into St. James Catholic School in Lively and you will quickly take notice of their slogan, “The Home of the Bears.” But on Thursday, March 9 more than 400 students at St. James became “The Home of the Care Bears” as they celebrated “Jordan Primeau” day as a tribute to Jordan, a Junior Kindergarten classmate who is battling leukemia at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

The one day campaign, spearheaded by Student Council met with an overwhelming outpouring of support from the students, staff and parent community of St. James as the Student Council collected $1,400 from the students. This collection will be forwarded to the Primeau family to help offset costs for Jordan’s recovery.

Student council members were equally thrilled at the response from their classmates who worked from the heart on special projects of get-well wishes for Jordan. These projects of cards, poems, stories, prayers, books, and puzzles will be delivered by Jordan’s teacher, Rosanna Battigelli directly to Jordan as she will visit him during the March Break at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Kids.

Although most students at the school have not met Jordan Primeau personally, the students keep Jordan in their thoughts and prayers daily. Mrs. Battigelli and her Junior Kindergarten class have been in regular contact with Jordan via the phone to ensure that Jordan is still part of their class. Mrs. Battigelli also organized a book fair where another $1,400 of proceeds will also be donated to the Primeau family.

The Student Council would like to take this opportunity to emphasize to the Sudbury community that donations to the Jordan Primeau Fund are still being accepted at St. James Catholic School at 280 Anderson Drive in Lively. For further information, please call 692-3974.

St. James Catholic School Celebrates Jordan Primeau Day

Jordan Primeau is a Junior Kindergarten student at the school who is bravely undergoing treatment at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto for leukemia. With that in mind the St. James School Community (students, staff and parents) are planning several activities to help the Primeau family both spiritually and financially.

This special day for Jordan will see the launch of several fundraising activities. The St. James Student Council has planned a Bear Day where all students are asked to join in the school spirit of generosity by bringing a teddy bear to school as a symbol of caring. The Student Council is asking for voluntary donations on this special theme day and all monies collected will be forwarded to the Primeau family. All classes will be writing cards, get well notes, poems, letters and other caring gestures that can be packaged and forwarded on to Jordan.

Any donations to the Jordan Primeau Fund are gladly accepted and can
be dropped off at St. James Catholic School, 280 Anderson Drive in Lively.

St. James Catholic School Students Celebrate Their Heritage

Grade 5 and 6 students at St. James Catholic School in Lively were given the opportunity to display their Historica Fair projects to judges, teachers, family, friends and fellow students at presentation held at the school recently.

Elementary students throughout the Sudbury Catholic District School Board look forward to participating in this unique fair each year as it not only strengthens their knowledge re the diversity and uniqueness of Canadian heritage but also affords them the opportunity to develop strong roots in their community and culture.

Students also develop research and communication skills through interaction with different community sources such as politicians, local historians, multi cultural organizations and representatives from the business community.

Ray Vincent, Trustee for the SCDSB, and Rossella Bagnato, Academic Superintendent of Education, SCDSB were among the 11 guests who judged more than 85 student projects at the school wide Historica Fair. Eleven projects from St. James will move on the Sudbury Regional Historica Fair to be held May 5, 2006 at Laurentian University.

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